Headache Treatment & TMJ Therapy

Headache Treatment & TMJ Therapy

People who suffer from migraines, chronic earaches, or any of the symptoms listed below may have temporomandibular joint dysfunction, called TMJ. This condition occurs when the jaw joints are improperly aligned. Stress on the joint, muscles, and nerves leads to a host of nagging, sometimes debilitating, symptoms.

  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Undiagnosed Head, Facial or Neck Pain
  • Tingling Fingers
  • Stuffy or Ringing Ears
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Tooth Wear and Bone Loss
  • Arm, Hand, or Shoulder Weakness
  • Poor Posture
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Disturbed Vision
  • Difficulty Swallowing

What is a typical “TMJ”?
It is common for a patient to come to our office who has had various pain or dysfunction symptoms for years. Often, the patient has spent time and money unsuccessfully pursuing alternate therapies. At times, it is because the patient had been told that she does not have “ TMJ ” since it is not “typical”. So it begs the question what is a “typical TMJ ”? What were we taught in dental school? Clicking joints are fairly common and do not need any intervention. “ TMJ ” is self limiting and “settles” down with time. “ TMJ ” is primarily a “psycho social disorder” that is stress-induced.

Pain or discomfort in the TM joints or the joints locking open or closed constituted typical “ TMJ ” symptoms. The conservative therapy would be occlusal splints or bite guards along with soft diet and perhaps some muscle relaxing medications. That would help many patients to get some symptom relief. If that does not help, then the next step is referral to a maxillo-facial surgeon for joint or jaw surgery. If we look at this as a “joint” problem, then when joint symptoms (such as pain or strain in the TM Joints , clicking, popping or grinding of the TM joints ) appear, it is “typical TMJ ”.

"If you can't measure it, then it's just an opinion." ~Dr. Robert Jankelson

Neuromuscular dentistry is the philosophy that the entire oral system must function in harmony for optimal oral health. To realign the jaw joints and bite (occlusion) and provide relief from TMJ symptoms , Dr. Satchwell may use orthodontic therapy (braces), an oral splint, or he may build up back teeth with restorations. In some cases, we may advise you on stress-relieving exercises and habit changes, as well.

The following patients shown below not only look beautiful, but have had their TMJ symptoms and disease restored. Therefore, what appears to be a cosmetic make-over, is in reality the body’s ability to heal itself and give a much more pleasant appearance when things are healthy and in their natural order. Granted, these patients chose to have their teeth permanently restored to a correct color and shape due to years of TMJ problems causing tooth destruction. However, the facial balance, relaxed correct muscle tone, and a symptom-free healthy and happy facial profile are evident in these before and after photos. We see a fundamental law repeated in nature: “Form Follows Function,” and if something is good then it looks good.

Understanding TMJ Problems
A Closer Look At TMJ

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